Tuesday, 24 June 2008

Profiling to help your brand

I am currently reading Heidrick & Struggles GTI (Global Talent Index) collection of essays. It raises some questions that are pertinent to anyone who cares about talent acquisition.

One of the most interesting facts in my opinion is that my generation, generation Y (1977-2005) will have (on average) had 14 jobs by the time they are 38. Contrast this with my parents generation who will typically have had 4 or 5 in a lifetime, possibly within the same company. What are the drivers behind this?

It is an increase in sophistication. Our current pool of bright, young things are enamoured by employee brand, corporate responsibility and have an understanding of opportunity. This means that you need to acquire them and manage them with the sophistication they expect.

Ultimately the paradigm has shifted in the favour of the candidate and you have to win them. FACT! How do you do this? By offering a work environment that is compelling, diverse and challenging and supplementing your employee brand with a comitment to them.

Testing and profiling enables this buy in from a candidate and shows them how much you care about you capturing the best (for YOUR business).

One of my candidates expressed this to me the other day. He said "Gerry, I see the value in this. When I hire I have had to take things at face value and have been burnt consistently." I think his statement leads to another interesting facet.

Staff turnover can be limited comprehensively by testing for core values and capabilities at the levels that a standard interview process just can't qualify.

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